Welcome to My Portfolio!

Explore my projects and experience below.

My Projects

Web Development

  • Passionate about crafting engaging web experiences using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Using GitHub repositories to push changes and sync with my server.
  • Specializing in responsive design and modern web technologies.
  • Leveraging Bootstrap to enhance and modernize website design.
  • Focused on achieving a clean and professional appearance while ensuring all necessary functionalities are included.

Backend Development

  • Developed backend systems using Java, Python and C#.
  • C# for simple game mechanics from Unity Development.
  • Python for functional and complete applications.
  • Java with databases and simpler programs.
  • Focused on creating efficient and scalable server-side applications.
Backend Development

Server Management

  • Set up local and public servers using Node.js and NGINX.
  • Setting up domain certificates, such as vicx.no, using Certbot.
  • Setting up Kubernetes with MicroK8s for easy container management and streamlined operations.

Raspberry Pi Server

  • Operating a Raspberry Pi server with Raspberry Pi Lite x64 OS.
  • Customizing Kali Linux with multiple desktop environments, including KDE Plasma and GNOME.
  • Setting up a fully functional Ubuntu server with SSH access configured.
  • Currently running a cluster with two Raspberry Pi devices, using Ubuntu Server, with one acting as the master node.
Raspberry Pi


  • Customizing and optimizing my PC system with Arch Linux with and without the Black Arch tools.
  • Exploring different desktop environments and tools for performance tuning.
  • Also familiar with distributions such as Black Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Kali, ParrotOS & Debian GNU/Linux.
Tux Penguin


  • Packetmanagers used: Pacman, Yay, Flatpak, Snap, Brew, DNF and Apt.
  • Text editors used: Vim, Vi and Nano.
  • Desktops used: KDE Plasma 6, GNOME, Hyprland.
  • Consoles used: Konsole, Kitty, GNOME Terminal and MATE Terminal.

Database Management

  • Proficient in database management with MySQL, H2 and SQLite3.
  • Designing efficient schemas and optimizing query performance.